University of Puerto Rico’s Endowment Fund campaign

As with other respected educational institutions, the University of Puerto Rico has established an endowment fund, which serves as a long-term investment account with its principal amount remaining untouched and steadily growing. The credits generated by the fund will only be used for the designated purposes outlined by the fund.

The University of Puerto Rico Endowment Fund has now more than 150 million dollars, usually comprised of restricted and unrestricted funds. Restricted funds are those stipulated by benefactors, while the unrestricted funds are governed by the stipulations of use as stated in the deed that gives life to the fund.

For the University of Puerto Rico, the Endowment Fund is the key to financial stability and fiscal security. In addition, the Endowment Fund supports the implementation of ongoing visionary projects.

The University of Puerto Rico is a 501 (c) 3 organization approved by the IRS for tax exemption. Consult with your financial advisor about the tax exemption of your gift.

For more information on how to contribute to the University of Puerto Rico’s Endowment Fund, please contact the Vice President of Philanthropy of the University of Puerto Rico by email at or call 787-282-6237.