
Your gift makes a significant difference in the lives of athletes and students, both undergraduate and graduate students.


Each contribution helps us improve and build innovative learning spaces for students.

Special Projects

When you give to UPR, you also contribute to our country’s social and cultural development.

Colleges and Schools

You can support the school or college of your choice and aid in enhancing its learning environment.


Making an annual gift to the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, allows us to support the areas and programs of your preference. You can give to the college or school from which you graduated, help support academic programs, student activities, and sports teams, or contribute to scholarships for students. Unrestricted donations enable us to allocate funds towards the urgent needs of our students, faculty, and campus. Each contribution greatly impacts the life of our students by granting scholarships, facilitating the development of innovative academic programs, and enhancing the technology infrastructure as well as the facilities within the university.

The University of Puerto Rico is a 501 (c)(3) organization exempt from federal income tax and approved by the IRS. Please, consult your financial advisor about the tax exemption of your gift.

Why give to UPR Río Piedras Campus?

By giving, you are contributing to the educational aspirations of over one thousand students from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, empowering them to reach their dreams of completing a degree and emerge as leaders in our community.

Contact Us

Carmen Ruiz de Fischler, Ph.D.
Special Assistant to the Chancellor
Special Projects, Development, and Alumni


787.764.0000 ext. 83041



PO Box 23305 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-3305
