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Restoration of the long-standing School of Architecture

The Continuing Education and Professional Studies Division (DECEP) will be located in this facility

  • This space will become the Campus’s emblematic project, which will aid in the fulfillment of the Strategic Plan of 2018-2023 and its goal of creating new sources of income for the institution.
  • It has a funding allocation of $500,000 from UPR Central Administration.

FAB LAB UPR: Digital Manufacturing Workshop

A new workshop on digital manufacturing—FAB LAB UPR—is proposed to facilitate the development of innovative projects and the application of services to students, professors and researchers from the School of Architecture and the campus in general.

  • The Fab Lab will provide a multidisciplinary platform capable of accommodating architects, engineers, designers, artist, students, professors, and creators, fostering innovation in the field of product manufacturing.
  • This space will serve as a platform for exchanging and collaborating with other faculties, as well as public and private sector entities, aiming to develop innovative research projects devoted to the advancement and growth of the country.

Restoration Project of the former Faculty Center Building

This space is designated for the installation of the University of Puerto Rico’s Legal Clinics.

  • This interdisciplinary space will allow for the outreach of the School of Law’s clinics while also fostering the collaboration through alliances with other departments, entities, and private sectors for the development of innovative projects and investigations aimed at the betterment of the country.

Sports Facilities

A project in collaboration with the Dean’s Office of Campus Administration for the improvement of the Sports Complex. The Sports Complex is the birthplace and training center of our students and athletes.

  • The fundraising campaign is aimed at renovating the following facilities:
    • Sports Complex
    • Soccer field
    • Baseball field
    • Softball field
    • the former Athletics field
  • The enhancement of these facilities will create opportunities to secure new sources of income for the campus.