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Museum Of Art, History, and Anthropology
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The Museum of Art, History, and Anthropology conducts various initiatives as part of its community outreach through its education program. Several special events take place each year such as: Pop-Up Museum, Egiptomanía, International Museum Day, La Vida es un Arte 55+, Museo Encantado, and Puerto Rican Week. In addition, volunteer and professional mentoring opportunities for university students can be arranged, as well as collaborations with academic and social interest units from the University of Puerto Rico.
Your gift will show your support to the Museum’s educational mission, and will provide the necessary resources to maintain a high level of professionalism, variety, and compassion that characterizes the offerings and services of the Educational Program. Thank You!
University of Puerto Rico Theater
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Since its inauguration in 1939, the University of Puerto Rico’s Theater has been one of the main cultural institutions in the country. It has served as the cornerstone and frame of reference for the island’s music, drama, and academic scene. UPR Theater stands out as one of the most elegant and emblematic venues in the Caribbean with the potential for global recognition and distinction.
For the past 80 years, UPR Theater has been the stage for numerous significant cultural events at the university, a spotlight for musicians and orchestras, and a scenic space for major plays and musicals. In its role as the Aula Magna of the Río Piedras campus, the Theater has hosted many great thinkers, scientists, and professionals whom have given prestige throughout its trajectory. In 2006 and 2018, the Theater was restored, placing it on the cutting edge of modern times and increasing its productive capacity.
Our purpose is to bring major projects, concerts, theater plays, and masterclasses to life, but more importantly, that UPR Theater continues to serve as a practical lab for students in drama, music, and other fields. It is our wish to keep producing work for our local artists, and continue documenting Puerto Rico’s cultural history. We invite you to contribute to the development of musical productions and theater plays.
University of Puerto Rico Radio Station
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Educational radio network comprised of stations located at the University of Puerto Rico’s Río Piedras and Mayagüez campus (WRTU 89.7 FM, San Juan and 88.3 FM Mayagüez)
Become a RadioAmigo
By becoming a part of the RadioAmigo program at Cadena Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico, you not only get to enjoy its excellence but also contribute to its maintenance. As a partner and audience, you will have the opportunity to be part of a public broadcasting radio station that promotes informative and cultural diversity. Our listeners support us with annual donations starting from $35, which are fully dedicated to strengthening the programming.
- Radio Universidad’s mission is to serve the community by the means of a radio programming that educates, reports, and entertains.
- The facilities include radio, television, and film units, serves as a practice center for students and future professionals in the field of communications.
- Since 2022, its programming is broadcasted through the website:
UPR Tuna
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Established in 1961 by professor Norma Urrutia de Campo, the Tuna of the University of Puerto Rico is considered to be the oldest ongoing Tuna in the Americas, and the first Tuna in Puerto Rico. Throughout its 59 years of musical trajectory, the Tuna has represented Puerto Rico and the University across the world, participating in various competitions. Currently, the musical group has 20 members dedicated to preserving its music, brotherhood, and legacy. After 45 years under the leadership of maestro Gregorio “Goyo” Acevedo, the Tuna is currently directed by Prof. Edithmarie Claudio Cruz, with their latest musical production being Legado y Tradición.
Your gift will help to keep this tradition alive by supporting the purchase and maintenance of Tuna’s traditional musical instruments, which are part of the group since its beginnings, much like our own traditional instruments. The reconditioning and maintenance of these instruments is equally important. With this musical fusion, the rich sound that defines the Puerto Rican tuna is achieved. Undoubtedly, this unique integration distinguishes our Tuna and facilitates the education and promotion of Puerto Rican cultural music heritage.
UPR Theater Pipe Organ
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The University of Puerto Rico’s Theater, at the Río Piedras campus, safeguards the only pipe organ of its kind in Puerto Rico and the most modern in the Caribbean. This musical instrument is a Casavant Opus 3873 model, specifically designed for UPR Theater by the oldest pipe organ building company in the northern hemisphere located in Quebec, Canada: The Casavant company
In the aftermath of hurricane María in 2017, the pipe organ received major damages mainly due to humidity, in addition to the vast amounts of water that flooded the Theater. The amount of work and reconditioning that the instrument requires is very precise and detailed, while the bellows located in the upper part of the Theater have to be replaced by new ones. Moreover, various metal parts must be sent to the Casavant workshop, alongside David Storey from Baltimore, MD, to be repaired by the company’s technicians. For this reason, we invite you to donate and contribute to this restoration project as well as its maintenance, which sums to a total of around $200,000. The current value of this instruments surpasses one million dollars.
Siempre Vivas Metro
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Siempre Vivas Metro is a project composed of professors and students from various fields, which offers support, assistance, and counseling to victims and survivors of gender-based violence at UPR Río Piedras campus. We use a variety of strategies in order to develop and promote safe spaces for people who have faced gender-based violence. We offer a space for guidance and education relating to the intervention and prevention of gender-based violence to undergraduate and graduate students through academic courses and internships in UPRRP
Through an accompaniment model we support the following groups: 1) Juntas sanamos for survivors of sexual violence; 2) Nos Tenemos for survivors of domestic violence; 3) Escritura para sanar; 4) Talleres de Masculinidades Alternativas.
Your contribution will help to:
- Make it possible for survivors to receive assistance through individual or collective accompaniment.
- Raise awareness and educate about gender-based violence to the populations linked to UPRRP: from elementary to university students, as well as neighboring communities in Río Piedras.
- Train students, community leaders, and professionals in the topics of gender-based violence.
- Promote research and service to eradicate gender-based violence in Puerto Rico.
Catalizando la Química
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The Chemistry Graduate Program’s mission is to educate and train professionals to obtain a solid foundation in the fundamentals and applications of chemistry. The advanced training of chemist is geared towards refining their abilities to identify major issues in the field and devise effective solutions to address these issues by encouraging an interdisciplinary nature, proper laboratory habits, and collaboration on a departmental, national, and international level. In a broader context, the Chemistry Graduate Program’s mission is to prepare professionals with the main purpose of contributing to advancements in this field, addressing daily life problems and human welfare issues. This will promote scientific, social, and economic developments, as well as improve the quality of life in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and the across the world. This donation campaign seeks to:
- Increase and improve course offerings and professional development for graduate students.
- Expand research facilities to produce high-impact research and an outstanding STEM workforce for the next generation.
- Provide funds to sponsor conference and workshop trips for students, student awards, and student research materials.
Caribbean Studies (IEC)
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The Institute of Caribbean Studies (ICS) is an interdisciplinary research unit of the College of Social Sciences of the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras. Founded in 1958, the ICS has a core research faculty and the constant presence of visiting and affiliated researchers.
The ICS publishes the academic peer-reviewed journal Caribbean Studies since 1961, available through databases JSTOR and Project Muse. We also host the international Caribbean Conference series, in Spanish and English, which has been taking place consecutively for more than 15 years, transmitted via Internet and filed in our YouTube Chanel. We are home to the Social Science & Caribbean Archive, a research space holding unique bibliographic and documentary collections from social scientists and Caribbeanists such as Sidney Mintz, Gordon Lewis, and Eduardo Seda Bonilla. Since 2015, we celebrate the Gordon K. & Sybil F. Lewis
Memorial Conference to honor the contributions form the Lewises to the field of Caribbean Studies.
The ICS accepts donations to support these initiatives, funds that will be used for:
- Supporting the research work of faculty affiliates of the ICS, including professors from the campus that request our support.
- Cover part of the expenses in cataloguing and preservation documents and bibliographic materials held at the Social Science & Caribbean Archive.
- Cover the expenses of the Caribbean Conference, including the Gordon K. & Sybil F. Lewis Memorial Conference.
- Increase the number of students that we can recruit as research assistants.
- Support the production and dissemination costs of our work.
As a token of appreciation for your donation, we are gifting you our most recent publication, the book: From Plantation to Resort: The Caribbean in the Twenty-First Century, written by the director of the Institute, Emilio Pantojas García.
El Verde Field Station
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The El Verde Field Station, established in 1937, is an experimental facility dedicated to studying tropical ecosystems. It is affiliated with the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. The main goal of the station is to support research, training, and education in tropical ecosystems for students, researchers, and the general public. Currently, undergraduate and graduate courses offered by local and international university departments use the El Verde Field Station as their work site. It is also utilized by researchers to study the effects of climate change on tropical ecosystems such as forests, streams, and rivers, among others. This fundraising campaign aims to:
- Improve the research facilities.
- Provide funds for maintaining support equipment at the station.
- Support lodging expenses for students who wish to conduct research at the station but lack resources.
- Acquire materials and/or equipment needed for research at the station.